MIT Graduate Program in Science Writing
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Congratulations to Emily Anthes, ’06, on her new position as a reporter on the health and science desk at The New York Times. For the past year, Emily has contributed to the health team’s coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic and will now take on a more permanent role. In a glowing welcoming statement, NYT Health and Science Editor Celia Dugger praised Emily’s conscientious COVID coverage, stating that Emily is “a versatile, gifted and clear-thinking writer and reporter” in addition to being “generous, collegial, diligent, kind.”

Emily is the author of two books — 2013’s Frankenstein’s Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech’s Brave New Beasts and 2020’s The Great Indoors: The Surprising Science of How Buildings Shape Our Behavior, Health, and Happiness — and has won the AAAS Kavli Gold Award for science journalism, the NASW Science in Society Award, the AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books, and two NIHCM Foundation Health Care Print Journalism awards.

In addition to being a GPSW alumna, Emily has also taught the book review and science essay units within the GPSW curriculum. We’re thrilled to see what she produces next. Congratulations, Emily!