MIT Graduate Program in Science Writing
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Congratulations to Joshua Sokol, ’15, who recently inked his first book deal with Random House. Starry Nights at the End of the World will be “an exploration of humanity’s millennia-long relationship with the stars—encompassing the origins of religion, culture, math, myth, and science—the visceral importance of the stars for all, and how its loss to light pollution and satellites amounts to an environmental crisis hiding in plain sight,” according to Publishers Marketplace. No publication date has been announced.

Joshua has long covered issues around astronomy and the history of the night sky for publications including The New York Times, Science, National Geographic, Quanta Magazine, and many more outlets. A former data analyst for the Hubble Space Telescope, Joshua pivoted to science journalism in 2015 and has since scooped up numerous accolades, including the  Jonathan Eberhart Planetary Sciences Journalism Award, the Evert Clark/Seth Payne Award for science journalists under 30, the American Geophysical Union Walter Sullivan Award for Excellence in Science Journalism, and the David N. Schramm Prize from the American Astronomical Society’s High-Energy Astrophysics Division.

We can’t wait to read the upcoming book.