MIT Graduate Program in Science Writing
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Rachel Becker, ’15, was named a 2019 Aspen Ideas Festival Scholar. Selected for their “work, accomplishments, and ability to transform ideas into action,” the 300 global leaders that comprise this year’s Aspen Ideas Festival Scholars cohort represent more than 25 countries worldwide. Each was nominated by Festival advisors, or senior staffers at the Aspen Institute—a nonpartisan educational and policy studies organization dedicated reaching solutions on public policy issues.

After leaving MIT, Rachel served as a science reporter for The Verge before moving to her current position as an environment reporter for CALmatters, a nonprofit journalism organization committed to explaining California’s policies and politics. She is one of nine reporters and media producers to attend the Aspen Ideas Festival as an Ifill Scholar in honor of Gwen Ifill, the late journalist and television newscaster. Congratulations Rachel!