MIT Graduate Program in Science Writing
Faculty and Staff Faculty and Staff Faculty and Staff
Nanticha Ocharoenchai

GPSW Class of 2025

Nanticha Ocharoenchai

Environmental science, general science, wildlife conservation

Nanticha Ocharoenchai, or Lyn, first started journaling when she left her hometown of Bangkok to go on a year-long exchange in Italy. When she found hiking and backpacking, these hobbies and adventures sparked her love of environmental journalism and activism.

Just before graduating in communications from Chulalongkorn University in 2019, Lyn organized what grew into Thailand’s first youth climate movement. Since then, she has written and produced short films for WWF, Greenpeace, Mongabay, The Pulitzer Center, and more, covering topics from wildlife conservation and sustainable design, to Indigenous knowledge and land rights. In a search for practical—and fun!—environmental solutions, Lyn is furiously learning about natural science and conservation technology and is excited to explore more at MIT.